Ghost Job Board
Help Ghost complete it’s mission one step at a time. Contribute your talents to the Ghost community and be rewarded for your commitment.
Quick cash
- Create a visual Ghost Staking Pool Creation Guide. Either by video or screenshot/images/text format from start to finish, in its entirety step by step. BOUNTY = 500 $GHOST
- Create a promotional Ghost video for YouTube, Bitchute, etc. An example could include a basic introduction to our platform, discussing Ghost’s privacy features, staking/veteran reward system etc. BOUNTY = 200-600 $GHOST (depending on use/audience. Many bounties still available.
- Create a desktop wallet creation and recovery guide (2 guides). Either a video or screenshot/text format, both covering the complete process from a fresh install. Recovery guide must include discussion of the legacy option. (Note) recovery with the wrong information will create an empty wallet, encryption phrase can be blank. BOUNTY = 500 $GHOST, (250 $GHOST) for each guide. (*Completed for Windows and Linux = Wallet-Creation) A MacOs Creation Guide is still available.
- Create a Ghost Raspberry PI Staking Guide. Either by video or screenshot/text format, detailing a successful setup from scratch. BOUNTY = 300 $GHOST
- Create unique NFTs – Best John McAfee NFT, two will be chosen. BOUNTY = 500 $GHOST (250 $GHOST Each). Also, 100 numbered Veteran NFTs, that are all unique and created professionally, one at a time (100 $GHOST Each). If this is something you think you can do or assist with, please contact @RealSecretRecipe on telegram. *All artists will also receive thirty percent of the proceeds after the sale of their NFTs, the rest will go to the development fund. NFTs will be listed here: https://opensea.io/OFFICIAL-GHOST
Positions Available
- Telegram Admins for the official channel. Admins will be responsible for removing spam and negative content, while also helping new members when available. Admins should also post quality content as much as possible. *Creation of a separate account would be preferred with regards to professionalism, but not mandatory. BOUNTY = 300 $GHOST Per Month. A total of three positions are currently available, within different time zones. Applicants must be currently active and recognized members of the community. (*CLAIMED) Congratulations to @iamastonished @vlds5r and @Boris_M_1!!
- Exchange Relations, take lead on listing Ghost on other exchanges and developing partnerships. Create a list of appropriate exchanges and contact them on behalf of Ghost. Preferably non-KYC exchanges to be exact. This person should also have a professional email explicitly for Ghost operations. Budget up to $15k depending on the quality of exchange. BOUNTY = 500 – 1000 $GHOST upon successful listing of an approved exchange.
- Publicist/Manager responsible for building new relationships/contacting owners of online news media/websites, YouTube accounts, etc. Will also be responsible for contacting those with negative or false information regarding Ghost, to remove or alter their publication. BOUNTY = 500 $GHOST Per Month. (*CLAIMED) Congratulations to @crypto_lalo
- Social Media Manager. Will be using Tweetdeck, 5+ posts per week (important news, announcements, updates, tutorials, etc.). Will have to interact in the comments and retweet valid information in crypto space to create more engagement and bring new users. BOUNTY = 350 $GHOST Per Month
Ghost is always looking for talented developers and cryptographers. Desired Languages:
- C++/C
- Python
- Go
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Shell
Send your dev applications to contact@ghostbymcafee.com. For bounty inquiries please contact a Ghost admin in our telegram.