
Contact Us

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If you have a technical problem with Ghost ask for help in Telegram. We have a very helpful and active community there willing to help. You can also check the bottom of this page or the Troubleshooting section

Support Us

Donations help pay for hosting, advertising, website services, and Ghost development.

GJ6ZTfzQDzPUgoNwESBmk6RudguW6vstAH GHOST Donation Address

0xf46BDe9B9701818a277DACd66f88B301879FA8Db ETH/ERC20 Donation Address

Got Skills?

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Quick Guides

Resync the Wallet (Win Users)

Ghost is Blocked by OS (Win Users)

No Peers

For your convenience you can copy the commands bellow

addnode add
addnode add
addnode add

Install Ghost Wallet (Linux Users)

How to Delete an Old Ghost Wallet